Variable defaultLiquidTemplateConst

defaultLiquidTemplate: "\n{% assign hasKeywords = response.keywords.hits.length > 0 %}\n{% assign hasProducts = response.products.hits.length > 0 %}\n{% assign hasHistory = history.length > 0 %}\n{% assign imagePlaceHolder = '' %}\n\n<div class=\"ns-autocomplete-results\">\n {% if hasKeywords == false and hasProducts == false and hasHistory %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-history\">\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-header\">\n Recently searched\n </div>\n {% for hit in history %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-history-item\" data-ns-hit=\"{{ hit | json | escape }}\" data-testid=\"history\">\n {{ hit.item }}\n <a\n href=\"#\"\n class=\"ns-autocomplete-history-item-remove\"\n data-ns-remove-history=\"{{hit.item}}\">\n &#x2715;\n </a>\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-history-clear\">\n <button\n type=\"button\"\n class=\"ns-autocomplete-button\"\n data-ns-remove-history=\"all\">\n Clear history\n </button>\n </div>\n {% elsif hasKeywords or hasProducts %}\n {% if hasKeywords %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-keywords\">\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-header\">\n Keywords\n </div>\n {% for hit in response.keywords.hits %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-keyword\" data-ns-hit=\"{{ hit | json | escape }}\" data-testid=\"keyword\">\n {% if hit._highlight and hit._highlight.keyword %}\n <span>{{ hit._highlight.keyword }}</span>\n {% else %}\n <span>{{ hit.keyword }}</span>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n {% if hasProducts %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-products\">\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-header\">\n Products\n </div>\n {% for hit in response.products.hits %}\n <a\n class=\"ns-autocomplete-product\"\n href=\"{{ hit.url }}\"\n data-ns-hit=\"{{ hit | json | escape }}\"\n data-testid=\"product\">\n <img\n class=\"ns-autocomplete-product-image\"\n src=\"{% if hit.imageUrl %}{{ hit.imageUrl }}{% else %}{{ imagePlaceHolder }}{% endif %}\"\n alt=\"{{ }}\"\n width=\"60\"\n height=\"40\" />\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-product-info\">\n {% if hit.brand %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-product-brand\">\n {{ hit.brand }}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-product-name\">\n {{ }}\n </div>\n <div>\n <span>\n {{ hit.price }}&euro;\n </span>\n {% if hit.listPrice and hit.listPrice != hit.price %}\n <span class=\"ns-autocomplete-product-list-price\">\n {{ hit.listPrice }}\n &euro;\n </span>\n {% endif %}\n </div>\n </div>\n </a>\n {% endfor %}\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n <div class=\"ns-autocomplete-submit\">\n <button type=\"submit\" class=\"ns-autocomplete-button\">\n See all search results\n </button>\n </div>\n {% endif %}\n</div>\n" = ...

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