Function InfiniteScroll

Infinite scroll component that loads more results when user scrolls to the end of the page. If the browser does not support IntersectionObserver, a load more button is shown instead.

<InfiniteScroll pageSize={defaultConfig.pageSize}>
{products?.hits?.map(hit => <Product hit={hit} />)}

<InfiniteScroll pageSize={defaultConfig.pageSize}>
<Products />

// With custom load more button
function LoadMoreButton({ pageSize }) {
const { loadMore, href } = useLoadMore(pageSize)

return (
class="ns-load-more-button ns-act-btn ns-act-btn-light"
More results

<InfiniteScroll loadMoreComponent={LoadMoreButton} pageSize={defaultConfig.pageSize}>
{products?.hits?.map(hit => <Product hit={hit} />)}