Interface FullConfig

Full configuration used internally in the Search application

interface FullConfig {
    autocompleteComponent?: ComponentType;
    autocompleteMinLength: number;
    autocompleteQuery?: QueryProvider;
    categoryComponent?: ComponentType;
    categoryCssSelector?: string;
    categoryFallback?: (query: SearchQuery) => void;
    categoryId: () => undefined | string;
    categoryPath: () => undefined | string;
    categoryQuery: QueryProvider;
    compressUrlParameters: boolean | Partial<MapperOptions>;
    contentCssSelector?: string;
    debounceDelay: number;
    defaultCurrency: string;
    dropdownCssSelector?: CssSelector;
    fallback?: boolean | "legacy";
    formCssSelector: string;
    formUnbindDelay?: number;
    historyComponent?: ComponentType;
    historyEnabled: boolean;
    historySize: number;
    inputCssSelector?: string;
    isCategoryPage: () => boolean;
    merchant: string;
    persistentSearchCache: boolean;
    preservePageScroll: boolean;
    queryModifications: (
        query: SearchQuery,
        pageType: undefined | PageType,
    ) => SearchQuery;
    retries: number;
    retryInterval: number;
    serpComponent?: ComponentType;
    serpFallback?: (query: SearchQuery) => void;
    serpPath?: string;
    serpPathRedirect: boolean;
    serpQuery?: QueryProvider;
    serpRenderDelay?: () => Promise<void>;
    serpUrlMapping: Record<string, string>;
    variationId: () => undefined | string;


autocompleteComponent?: ComponentType

Preact autocomplete main component

autocompleteMinLength: number

Minimal input length to render autocomplete

autocompleteQuery?: QueryProvider

Default autocomplete page query parameters. Supplied as an object or a function that returning search query Functional version can be use for building complex autocomplete queries. It's more flexible and provides access to other config parameters.

as object:

autocompleteQuery: {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
as function:

autocompleteQuery() {
return {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
variationId: this.variationId()
categoryComponent?: ComponentType

Category root component

categoryCssSelector?: string

CSS selector for category content rendering

categoryFallback?: (query: SearchQuery) => void

Enable category fallback when service is unavailable (overwrites global fallback option).

By default it will redirect to original page by disabling new page. If custom function is provided, it will be called with query object.

It's important that this path does not have same path as search page.

categoryFallback: (query) => {
categoryId: () => undefined | string

returns current category id

no need to provide this as the builtin logic is usually more reliable

categoryPath: () => undefined | string

returns current category path

no need to provide this as the builtin logic is usually more reliable

categoryQuery: QueryProvider

Default category page query parameters. Supplied as an object or a function that returning search query Functional version can be use for building complex category queries. It's more flexible and provides access to other config parameters.

as object:

categoryQuery: {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
as function:

categoryQuery() {
return {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
variationId: this.variationId()
compressUrlParameters: boolean | Partial<MapperOptions>

Indicates if URL parameters should be compressed. If enabled, default range separator is '~'.

as boolean

compressUrlParameters: true
as object
compressUrlParameters: {
filterRangeSeparator: "~"
contentCssSelector?: string

CSS selector for search page rendering.

debounceDelay: number

Debounce delay for search input

defaultCurrency: string

Merchant's default Currency.

dropdownCssSelector?: CssSelector

CSS selector for autocomplete dropdown render. Leave undefined for default use (After input element)

fallback?: boolean | "legacy"

Enabled fallback for serp & category pages when service is unavailable By default, it will restore the native content.

If set to 'legacy', it will force a page reload and disable the search for the current session.

formCssSelector: string

CSS selector for form to unbind it.

formUnbindDelay?: number

Form unbind delay after how long it should delay, default is unbinding without delay ms

historyComponent?: ComponentType

History component

historyEnabled: boolean

Indicates if history should be enabled

historySize: number

History size

inputCssSelector?: string

CSS selector for each input element to bind search events like input change and form submit.

isCategoryPage: () => boolean

Determine if current page is category Example: return location.pathname.includes('category')

merchant: string

Merchant ID.

persistentSearchCache: boolean

Enable persistent caching for search results.

If enabled, the search results will be restored from cache when returning to the search page, from example, from a product page.

The cache is stored in the browser's session storage.

preservePageScroll: boolean

Preserve page scroll position when navigating back to search page.

If enabled, it's highly recommended to also enabled persistentSearchCache for best user experience.

queryModifications: (
    query: SearchQuery,
    pageType: undefined | PageType,
) => SearchQuery

Custom function, when provided, can be used to modify search query before sending it to the server. A default implementation is provided in the config that returns the query without any modification. Note: The query parameter itself should not be touched, but instead a new object should be returned in case modifications are needed.

Type declaration

queryModifications: query => query
(query, pageType) => {
return {
products: {
filter: [
...(query.products?.filter ?? []),
{ field: "availability", value: ["InStock"] }
retries: number

Number of retries for search request. Retries won't be applied for autocomplete requests.

retryInterval: number

Interval between retries in milliseconds

serpComponent?: ComponentType

Preact search page main component.

serpFallback?: (query: SearchQuery) => void

Enable search fallback when service is unavailable (overwrites global fallback option).

By default it will redirect to original page by disabling new page. If custom function is provided, it will be called with query object.

It's important that this path does not have same path as search page.

serpFallback: (query) => {
serpPath?: string

Search page path, renders in any page if not specified

serpPathRedirect: boolean

Indicates if search should redirect to search page or just rewrite history

serpQuery?: QueryProvider

Default search page query parameters. Supplied as an object or a function that returning search query Functional version can be use for building complex search queries. It's more flexible and provides access to other config parameters.

as object:

serpQuery: {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
as function:

serpQuery() {
return {
products: {
facets: ["*"],
fields: ["variantId", "availability", ....]
variationId: this.variationId()
serpRenderDelay?: () => Promise<void>

Delay serp page rendering given until given async function resolves Default function waitForElement can be imported from "@nosto/preact"

import { waitForElement } from "@nosto/preact"

serpRenderDelay: () => {
return waitForElement({
selector: 'script[type="text/x-magento-init"]',
serpUrlMapping: Record<string, string>

Front end URL both ways mapping, to convert URL param values and keep the request keys { query: 'q' - will map query param to appear as q in URL product.filters: 'ff' - will map to ff.0.field.0: 'brand' and so on.. product.size: 'size' - will map to size: 24 }

variationId: () => undefined | string

return current variation id, can be supplying for supplying multi-currency and B2B variations

no need to provide this as the builtin logic is usually more reliable