
Nosto JS

Nosto JS is a wrapper for the client script, providing an easy way to interact with the Nosto service from your JavaScript or TypeScript applications.

For more information about JS API, see Our documentation.

To install the package, use your preferred package manager:

yarn add @nosto/nosto-js
# or
npm install @nosto/nosto-js --save

When using this library, it is not necessary to create the Nosto stub. It will be created automatically as soon as the library is imported for the first time.

The init function will load the latest version of the client script and add it to your page on runtime.

await init({
merchantId: "shopify-12345"

It returns a promise that resolves when the client script is fully loaded and initialized. However, awaiting it is optional.

Use the nostojs function exported from the library in the same way you would use window.nostojs. In fact, this is a typed wrapper over the window function.

await nostojs(async api => {
const recommendations = await api.loadRecommendations()

You may safely use this even before the init function has been called. Any early calls will be queued and processed later, when the client script is initialized.