Type Alias InitProps

InitProps: {
    env?: BackendEnvironment;
    merchantId: string;
    options?: ScriptLoadOptions;
    scriptLoader?: (
        scriptSrc: string,
        options?: ScriptLoadOptions,
    ) => Promise<void>;
    shopifyInternational?: { language: string; marketId: string | number };

Type declaration

  • Optionalenv?: BackendEnvironment

    The environment to use for the Nosto client script

  • merchantId: string

    The merchant ID to use for the Nosto client script.

  • Optionaloptions?: ScriptLoadOptions

    Options for the script loader

  • OptionalscriptLoader?: (scriptSrc: string, options?: ScriptLoadOptions) => Promise<void>

    A custom script loader function to use for loading the Nosto client script

  • OptionalshopifyInternational?: { language: string; marketId: string | number }

    Shopify International specific options