Function NostoCategory

  • You can personalise your category and collection pages by using the NostoCategory component. The component requires that you provide it the the slash-delimited slug representation of the current category.

    By default, your account, when created, has two category placements named categorypage-nosto-1 and categorypage-nosto-2. You may omit these and use any identifier you need. The identifiers used here are simply provided to illustrate the example.


    • props: {
          category: string;
          placements?: string[];
      • category: string
      • Optional placements?: string[]

    Returns Element


    <div className="category-page">
    <NostoPlacement id="categorypage-nosto-1" />
    <NostoPlacement id="categorypage-nosto-2" />
    <NostoCategory category={} />

    Note: Be sure to pass in the correct category representation. If the category being viewed is Mens >> Jackets, you must provide the name as /Mens/Jackets. You must ensure that the category path provided here matches that of the categories tagged in your products.

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