Function NostoSearch

  • You can personalise your search pages by using the NostoSearch component. The component requires that you provide it the current search term.

    By default, your account, when created, has two search-page placements named searchpage-nosto-1 and searchpage-nosto-2. You may omit these and use any identifier you need. The identifiers used here are simply provided to illustrate the example.


    • props: {
          placements?: string[];
          query: string;
      • Optional placements?: string[]
      • query: string

    Returns Element


    <div className="search-page">
    <NostoPlacement id="searchpage-nosto-1" />
    <NostoPlacement id="searchpage-nosto-2" />
    <NostoSearch query={"black shoes"} />

    Note: Do not encode the search term in any way. It should be provided an unencoded string. A query for black shoes must be provided as-is and not as black+shoes. Doing so will lead to invalid results.

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