Function NostoProduct

  • The NostoProduct component must be used to personalise the product page. The component requires that you provide it the identifier of the current product being viewed.

    By default, your account, when created, has three product-page placements named productpage-nosto-1, productpage-nosto-2 and productpage-nosto-3. You may omit these and use any identifier you need. The identifiers used here are simply provided to illustrate the example.

    The <NostoProduct \> component needs to be added after the placements. Content and recommendations will be rendered through this component. Pass in the product ID via the product prop to pass this information back to Nosto.


    • props: {
          placements?: string[];
          product: string;
          tagging?: Product;
      • Optional placements?: string[]
      • product: string
      • Optional tagging?: Product

    Returns Element


    <div className="product-page">
    <NostoPlacement id="productpage-nosto-1" />
    <NostoPlacement id="productpage-nosto-2" />
    <NostoPlacement id="productpage-nosto-3" />
    <NostoProduct product={} />

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