Interface NostoProviderProps

interface NostoProviderProps {
    account: string;
    children: ReactNode | ReactNode[];
    currentVariation?: string;
    host?: string;
    loadScript?: boolean;
    multiCurrency?: boolean;
    recommendationComponent?: RecommendationComponent;
    scriptLoader?: (
        scriptSrc: string,
        options?: ScriptLoadOptions,
    ) => Promise<void>;
    shopifyMarkets?: { language?: string; marketId?: string | number };


account: string

Indicates merchant id

children: ReactNode | ReactNode[]


currentVariation?: string

Indicates currency

host?: string

Indicates an url of a server

loadScript?: boolean

Load nosto script (should be false if loading the script outside of nosto-react)

multiCurrency?: boolean

Indicates if merchant uses multiple currencies

recommendationComponent?: RecommendationComponent

Recommendation component which holds nostoRecommendation object

scriptLoader?: (scriptSrc: string, options?: ScriptLoadOptions) => Promise<void>

Custom script loader

shopifyMarkets?: { language?: string; marketId?: string | number }

Enables Shopify markets with language and market id